LiLe ChiCk: Hey Mel! You're finally on!
BrOksLiLQT: LoL, finally, LoL Have You Been Waiting?
LiLeChiCk: Noooo! Anways I can't wait 'till we go to the BSB Concert!
BrOksLiLQT: Oh-My-Gosh! Did I tell you? My Aunt got us Backstage Passes! We could actually meet them!
LiLeChiCk: you got mail. Surge said are you okay? Do You need help?
BrOksLiLQT: Whaa? OK-Anyways some guy online is pretending to be Brian- IM him
LiLeChiCk: Heeeeeey Brian! Oh you are so cool! My friend loves you, is Nick there?
RokDaCat: Uh, hi!--Ya Nick is here. Say Hi Nick. Nick- "Hi!"
LiLeChiCk: Aaaaaaaaaaaagh! Hi Nick!
RokDaCat: What's up with your friend she keeps screamimng- LoL
BrOksLiLQT: Oh she's always like that...
RokDaCat: LoL, so you going to our concert tomorrow?
BrOksLiLQT: Ya
RokDaCat: do you wanna talk to Nick?
LiLeChiCk: Yes! I would luv to!!
RokDaCat: His SN is CarterKid
LiLeChiCk: Aww How Cute!
RokDaCat: LoL
RokDaCat: Ohhhh! Backstage? Cool, How 'bout I meet yo somewhere there???
BrOksLiLQT: I dunno I don't know if you're the REAL Brian Littrell! RokDaCat: Well if you do wanna meet me, I'll be by the refreshments, Uhmmm around 2...k?
BrOksLiLQT: Allrighty--Then!!!
RokDaCat: OK I'll See Ya Later then?
BrOksLiLQT: Maybe, Bye "Bri"
RokDaCat: Bye....OH do you wanna talk to Nick?
BrOksLiLQT: Sure...
RokDaCat: His SN is CarterKid
BrOksLiLQT: K, Bye Bri
RokDaCat: BYE BrOksLiLQT!!! Luv ya!
BrOksLiLQT: Awww Luv Ya Too!!!
RokDaCat: Sorry LiLe I g2g
LiLeChiCk: OK then Bye B-Rok
RokDaCat: Bye
BrOksLiLQT: Hey Nick!!
CarterKid: Hey Wassup
BrOksLiLQT: Oh dang someone is trying to punt me, can I re-IM you on my other SN?
CarterKid: Sure!
BaBeeYBaBe: Hey Nick it's me BrOksLiLQT.....
CarterKid: Oh Hey...So Whatcha up to?
BaBeeYBaBe: Nothing Really, but I'm going to your concert Tomorrow...
CarterKid: have good seats?
BaBeeYBaBe: Backstage in fact
CarterKid: Dope....I guess I may see you there...Do you know LiLeChiCk?
BaBeeYBaBe: Ya!! Why what'd did she do now...
CarterKid: LoL...She's nice, but she keeps screaming
BaBeeYBaBe: LoL That's how she is.
LiLeChiCk: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh! are you really Nick Carter?
CarterKid: Yeah...Oh Gosh...I g2g...I'll c-ya tomorrow...maybe
LiLeChiCk: Tomorrow?
CarterKid: The concert...BaBeeYBaBe said you had backstage...
LiLeChiCk: Oh Ya we do....
CarterKid: OK then c-ya later....
LiLeChiCk: OK BYE!!!!!!
CarterKid: Hey I'm sorry...Uhmmm------
BaBeeYBaBe: Melissa....
CarterKid: Ya.....Melissa I g2g.....
BaBeeYBaBe: Oh it's OK....Bye Frack
CarterKid: BYE MELISSA!!! C-YA!!
BaBeeYBaBe: Hey I g2g too....C-YA LATER!!!
LiLeChiCk: I'm about to get off too...I'm gonna write an E-mail to CarterKid First....heeheee
BaBeeYBaBe: I'm gonna pretend I didn't see that
LiLeChiCk: What's that supposed to mean?
BaBeeYBaBe: Nothing LoL....C-YA later.....
LiLeChiCk: I'll call you after I get off....
BaBeeYBaBe: OK BYE....
LiLeChiCk: Bye
"Hello?" Melissa Said "Hey" Teresa said "So do you really think that's Brian and Nick?" "No, But I hope sooo!" "Oh so what time do you want to go to the concert?" "Uh....4?" "No, Wait hold on, let's go at 2!" "Why 2? The concert starts at 6!" "Because, Brian said to meet him at 2" "Idiot, OK I'll be there around 12 so we don't get caught up in traffic or something." "OK" "Hey Wanna come to the mall with me right now?" "Uhmmm...OK" "OK I'll be there in around 10 mins?" "OK"
Teresa got to Melissa's house and they went to the mall. They both got a lil BSB hat (The fisher man style kind) to wear to the concert. They decided not to go out and buy T-Shirts (Cuz no offense but they thought I'd look gay and teeny-boppy)
The next day at around 12....
Melissa's parents weren't home so she answered the door...
"Teresa?" Melissa said confused "Hey Mel! Why aren't you ready?" Teresa said even more confused than Melissa "Because the concert starts at 6!....Why are you ready?" "Because you said to be here by 12!...And I Am....I forget why though, it was on one of my memo be here by 12" "OK one sec lemme get ready...." "K"
They reached the concert area in L.A. at around 1:40 pm and they decided to go backstage and that took them about 15 mins. so it was about 1:55 when they got in...
"I'm thirsty" Melissa said "Let's go get a drink" Teresa said, finally using some common sense.
They walked to the refreshments area.
"Darn it!" Teresa said as iced tea spilled all over her hands Melissa laughed as she said "You should go wash your hands off" "Naw Really?" "yes really, want me to come with you?" "Naw it's OK." "OK"
After Teresa left to look for the bathroom...
"BrOksLiLQT?" said a cute voice. Melissa turned around "Brian? Huh? You're really RokDaCat?" "Yeah, you're here, dope, wanna go on a tour of the building?" "Sure, why not?"
Meanwhile Teresa was still looking for the bathroom...
"Excuse me sir, do you know where the bathroom is?" Teresa said "Huh?" Nick said confused "Oh, uh, Hi Nick! Can you please tell me where the bathroom is?" Teresa repeated nervously. "The bathroom? Oh It's--- ya know what? You'll never be able to find it, you can use the BSB one." Nick said
When Teresa went inside the BSB area (Where the BSB bathroom was) "Whoa! You have AOL?" Teresa said after washing her hands "Yeah do you?" "Yup, what's your SN?" "CarterKid." "CarterKid?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" Teresa said. "I met you yesterday!!!! MY SN is LiLeChiCk"
Teresa looked at the screen..."Whoa! That's my letter to you!!!"
Then Teresa and Nick Started to talk...
"And lastly, this is the BSBs room" Brian said as he opened the door.
"Nick?" "Teresa?"
"Oh Hi" They both said (They were talking and holding hands, for those of you that must know)
"Hey Nick wanna Play some B-Ball?" "Sure!!!" Nick said "Wanna come Melissa and Teresa?" Brian asked. "Sure can we play?" Melissa said. "Sure you can!" Nick said cutting Brian off from answering. He grabbed Teresa's hand. "You dribble like this." Nick said showing Teresa how.
"Yea! We're winning!" Melissa said as she high-fived Brian. "Oh you shut-up you didn't do anything!" Teresa said "SO WE are winning note the word WE." Melissa said as she looked at Brian.
"BRIAAAAAAAN!!!! NICKKKKKKKKKK!!!!" Angela said (their make- up artist) "COME IN NOW!!!"
"JUST 5 MORE MINUTES!!!" they said at the same time
"You guys c'mon." she pleaded "OR I'll get security out here."
"Hey Melissa let's go" Brian said as he held his hand out. She stared at it. "Don't worry it's clean." "NO, it's not that it's just you're BRIAN LITTRELL" "Very good, and I'm NICK CARTER" "Oh Nick you shut up" Brian said as Melissa put her hand on his.
It turned out Angela did call out security cuz Jeff the body guard said...
It was pretty far until the door and as they hurried Teresa fell...
"OWWWWWW!!!" Teresa yelled. "Huh? What's wrong?"
"Oh that's what you get for pushing me down for that horse shoe!!!" Melissa said (kiddingly) recalling a childhood memory.
"OH you shut up! Can't You see she's hurt?" Nick yelled. "Nick you don't know what I'm talking about!!!" "So? She's hurt?!?!" "So she made me bleed and busted my ligaments for that dang horseshoe!!" "That was years ago!" "Well maybe it would help if I told you I wan K-I-D-D-I-N-G!!" "Stop fighting!" Teresa said still hurt "I'm OK" "Here this is quicker transportation...." Nick said as he carried her "NICKY! YOU OUT ME DOWN THIS INSTANT!!!" He dropped her. "GoshDarnIt! Nick you didn't have to drop me." "Whoooo-Whoooo" Is all he said. "Nick what's that?" "It's an ambulance to take me away, cuz the sight of you stopped my heart, and while it's here it'll take you to the doctor too."
Teresa, Melissa, and Brian laughed as Nick blushed.
They finally got to the door...
"Hey Nick, I'm sorry..." Melissa said. "Sorry for what?" "For yelling at you." "Oh it's OK I should be sorry"
"Okay where's Nick!!???" A.J. screamed "Where's Brian?" Kevin yelled. "Probably together, relax fellas" Howie trying to calm them down
"There you are!!!" Kevin said as Brian Nick Teresa and Melissa came in "10 minutes till show time boys- go and make me proud----A.J. tuck your shirt in." Denise said. "BUT MOOOOOOOOOOOOM!" "ALEXANDER!!!!" "FINE!!" Teresa and Melissa giggled. "And you two are?.." Howie said as polietly as he could "We're friends...." Melissa answered quietly. "Good friends" Brian added with a wink. Kevin smiled in approval "It's showtime!" Denise declared looking at the audience. "Uh-Oh Mel---Our Seats." "It's OK you guys, stay back here, just tell Jeff" Mrs. McLean said "OK, BRB." Melissa and Teresa said.
The two walked to find this "Jeff"
"Aww I luv this Song!" Melissa said as they sang All I Have To Give "It's great isn't it?" Teresa said
The song ended and the group stepped backstage...Nick came back out as Brian tagged along... "Wassup L.A.??" (A bunch of screaming) "I'm gonna sing a song called Heaven In Your Eyes. And I dedicate it to----You know who you are Whoo! Whoo! (the ambulance siren) "Ya-Ya! and if I was singing this song I'd dedicate this to my winning team" Brian said as he butted in. "Brian go back inside." Teresa and Melissa knew exactly who they were talking about. "I luv that guy" Melissa murmured looking for Brian. "Teresa just sat down and stared as Nick, and he must of saw her cuz in the middle of the song he said "Whooo" He ended the song with "I love you.....uh......all you BSB Fans, ya, ya All you BSB Fans...I Love You!"
As Nick exited, a guy came by...
"ARE YOU TWO SUPPOSED TO BE HERE?" "Yes sir, we are friends of Brian and Nick." Teresa said. "Good friends" Melissa added. OK then sit here" Jeff said as he pointed to some seats. "He's cute" Teresa said..."But he doesn't compare to my Nicky." "Uh-OK" Melissa said (in a daze) watching at Brian perform.
"OK we're gonna take a few people backstage/audience to sing INBYH to them" Brian said as he took Melissa's hand from backstage
"Aww how sweet" Kevin said looking at Brian and Melissa hold hands. Nick looked at Teresa "Uh, Uh, Um, Uh" Nick muttered. "Do You Um Uh." Nick said trying again to talk "C'Mon Nick hurry up!" A.J. called "PLEASE come up with me" he said quickly "Aww sure Nicky." Teresa said
They sang INBYH to Melissa, Teresa, and three other girls...
Soon after that the concert came to it's end but it was too late to drive back home so Melissa called her mom...
"Mom.....Ya Hi, This is Melissa." "And Teeeeeeeresa" "and we were wondering if we could stay in a nearby hotel, because you know I can't drive well at night, and it's really dark and crowded out there," Melissa said. "OK, mom, BYE"
"OK we can stay at a hotel...." Melissa said to Teresa "You can?" Brian said. "NO!!! They can't!!!" Nick said with another one of his sarcastic remarks.
"darn it! Nick shut up!" Brian said "Yeah we can..." Melissa said. "We know the perfect hotel" Brian said as he looked at Nick "Ya, Ya Ya.... We do" Nick said "Do you want us to show you it?" Brian asked "Sure." "Alllllrighty-Then This way madam." Brian said with a British accent.